Category Archives: US Forces

2017 Hobby Year in Review

Once again it’s time for a reflection on a year of hobby.


I started the year with a deadline looming. A Team Yankee campaign was getting started. I had just acquired enough models to fill out an army and only had about five weeks to get it table ready. I also had Dropzone Commander and Arena Rex backburnered.

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Team Yankee: M901 ITV and FIST

Small point units really help to fill out a list. Hammerhead time.

M901 ITV
M901 ITV

First up, the M901 ITV. These are done up pretty much stock, like the rest of the my Team Yankee force.

FIST (M113A2 based)
FIST (M113A2 based)

The Team Yankee rulebooks show the FIST as being in a stock M113. The real thing was more like the ITV, with a very similar turret housing the laser targeter. I wanted it to stand out a bit more from the ITVs, so converted the chassis to add the armored fuel tanks on the rear like an M113A3/A3.

FIST and ITV comparison

Team Yankee: A-10s

The opportunity for a playable A-10 is possibly what pulled me into Team Yankee. I talked myself into focusing on other units first, but finally got to actually do it.


The Battlefront kit is resin, made up of two big chunks and a couple of detail bits. Several of the detail bits were warped, including one of the vertical stabilizers. I fixed them as best I could, but it’s not as good as I’d like.

A-10 group
A-10 group

The one game I’ve played with them was pretty underwhelming. I only ended up getting one round of shooting from them, between reserves and the strike aircraft roll. Still, I can’t help myself. Now that I have the unit card, I might go with some other company’s 1/144 aircraft kit if I decide to fill out the unit.

Team Yankee: M113 Mech Platoon

To round out my playable Team Yankee force I needed some infantry. Painting dudes at 15mm isn’t exactly my idea of fun, so I’m keeping it to a single platoon for now.

I waffled a great deal on what to do for basing, but ended up buying resin bases from Kerr and King. They make nice little evocative scenes, although there’s a bit more bubbles than I’d like.

Transports are non-optional in Team Yankee, so I needed a box of those, too. The box comes with resin dudes for mounting the Dragon missiles. To put off making a decision and/or maximizing flexibility, I magnetized them. It does mean the hatch is always open, but I can live with that. I also put a dude out another hatch to designate the lead track.


Now I just need to put together some objectives, and maybe refurbish my first attempt at the tanks.

M113 (group shot)
M113 (group shot)