I watched the Team Yankee pre-launch hype late last year with some interest. The period (modern-ish) and scale (15mm – big enough to be visceral, but still small enough to have swarms of tanks!) was interesting. But I was pretty sure I didn’t have room for another miniatures game in my life.
When Endgame announced a build & play launch event, I failed my willpower save. So I put in my order for the rulebook and US starter. Unfortunately, every else bailed. So I hung out and built, but didn’t get to play. On the upside, I didn’t have to break my streak of playing with only painted models.
In prep for a future in which I play the game, I’ve gotten painting. I settled on the NATO tri-color scheme, even though it’s slightly anachronistic, and picked up some Vallejo Air paints designed for the pattern.

This was the first time I’ve used my airbrush for camo work. I tried to follow the pattern, but didn’t really have the control to follow the lines. The edges are also much softer than I wanted. You gotta start somewhere.

The start of an armor horde. Although if I really wanted a horde, I probably should have picked the Soviets..

15mm dudes are small. I probably should have been a little neater with the flesh tone.
Next, the Cobras. Then finding time and an opponent to actually play the game.