Category Archives: Direchasm

Underworlds: Crimson Court

It’s time for some more hobby popcorn in the form of Underworlds.

Price Duvalle

This group of vampire will happily come and relieve you of your excess blood.

Gorath the Enforcer

Their skin turned out more blue than I think I intended, but I’m still on board.

Ennias Curse-born

Ennias is my favorite of the group.

Vellas von Faine

That hair must take undying ages to get ready for battle.

Crimson Court

Underworlds: Khagra’s Ravagers

I’ve actually started playing Underworlds more often, so this hobby habit is slightly less ridiculous. I should probably work through the boxes I have before I get more, though.

Khagra the Usurper

The Khagra set is a nice group of chaos folks that aren’t too deeply weird. They’re just guys with cool helmets.

Dour Cragan

I wish Mr Cragan here was unhelmed. Then you could really see how dour he is.

Razek Godblessed

This is a nice beefy shield.

Zarshai Bittersoul

Okay, somebody had to have weird growths. But even Zarshai here is only modestly mutated.

Khagra’s Ravagers

Underworlds: Starblood Stalkers

I love me some lizardmen. So naturally I jumped to buy the lizardmen for Underworlds. It just may have taken me some time to get around to painting them.


I followed the same red and grey scheme I used for my Blitz Bowl lizardmen.

Kixi-Taka, the Diviner

I quite like these Scale 75 metallics. It gives a nice bronze color.


Klaq-Trok is the only saurus in the set.


Like their Blitz Bowl brothers, these models were mostly painted with GW Contrast paints, but with some washes and highlights to enhance the depth.


Look out for the blowgun!


Look at all these skinks. We need another saurus in here!

Starblood Stalkers

Underworlds: Hedkrakka’s Madmob

Kruleboyz and Ironjawz aren’t enough. I need me some savage orcs.

Dakko Sharp-Stikka

I think this might be the first time I’m actually happy with tattoos painted on. Sure, it simple blotches of color, but it works

Hedrakka, Gob of Gork

Look out for Hedkrakka. He’s got many feathers to wave at you.


Toofdagga is doing his best Wolverine impression.

Wollop da Skull

That axe looks more like it wants to split a skull than wallop it, but either way it’s ready to go.

Hedkrakka’s Madmob