These Nighthaunts form the other side of the two-player Underworlds starter box. Unlike the their Nightvault friends, Drepur’s Wraithcreepers is a tight four-model warband.
Grodrig the Lance
Most of them have these long halberds, which is annoying when it comes to putting them in foam.
Sire Haqfel
I decided to keep in color scheme with the Briar Queen set, so it would fit together if I wanted to do Warcry or something.
The Patrician
The Underworlds bases are always neat. In these ghosts case, it helps to give them the floaty look.
I found the two-player Underworlds starter on the clearance shelf at the local hobby shop. I couldn’t say no.
Aphus the Brave
Of course it includes some Stormcast. But shockingly enough, it’s not a three-model warband. This one has four!
Like my otherStormcastUnderworlds warbands, I used Turbo Dork color shift paint for the armor. This way I can (in theory, at least) put them all together in a Warcry game or something and have them fit in.
Mellisan Star-sighted
The color shift is pretty subtle once dullcoted, but it’s still in there somewhere.
I’ve actually started playing Underworlds more often, so this hobby habit is slightly less ridiculous. I should probably work through the boxes I have before I get more, though.
Khagra the Usurper
The Khagra set is a nice group of chaos folks that aren’t too deeply weird. They’re just guys with cool helmets.
Dour Cragan
I wish Mr Cragan here was unhelmed. Then you could really see how dour he is.
Razek Godblessed
This is a nice beefy shield.
Zarshai Bittersoul
Okay, somebody had to have weird growths. But even Zarshai here is only modestly mutated.