I signed up for Zoraida for this round of the Tale of Malifaux Bloggers. I’ve completed painting her box ahead of schedule.
I went for slightly different basing for these models than I have for the other Neverborn. I figured it should be a little more dilapidated and run down. Instead of nice wood plank floors, I decided to do wood planks forming a path through some wetland. Hopefully that still ties into the rest of the Neverborn, while giving the Bayou models a bit of their own twist. It may tie into Gremlin basing, too, if I decide to go down that path.

Zoraida herself was pretty straightforward. I don’t think the mushrooms turned out as well as I would have liked, but I do like the heavily green tinted skin. Her three main colors (green, brown, and gray) tie into the three Silurids, below.

I decided not to try to pin the Voodoo Doll’s legs. Hopefully the CA glue holds. Otherwise a really simple model.

Bad Juju had nasty nasty gaps all over the place. I think I filled them pretty well, and fortunately the texture helps to hide the putty. I tried putting in some undergrowth type basing materials in the branches, but it didn’t really fit in.

This is my least favorite Silurid. The spikes along the sides of the back are separate pieces, which left really obvious looking gaps. I didn’t do a very good job of smoothing them over. The base paints are all a fairly neutral grays, but then I used a green wash to bayou it up. When I went back to drybrush with the highlight, it did not blend well with the green-tinted sections.

This Silurid is much better. I decided not to use the rock basing piece that came in the box, so he’s stomping around instead. I had a lot of trouble with the foot that’s attached to the base. It kept breaking off, even after being reinforced with green stuff. I’m not sure how confident I am that it’ll hold up, but at least the tail is a nice large contact area.

Leap, my friend! This guy is the best Silurid of the bunch. Seam lines and gaps are cleaned up pretty well, and no broken feet.
I also got a game in, but more on that next time.
Updated October 2016 with improved images.