Category Archives: Don’t Look Back

Black Site: Golden Gunners

This set from Black Site was a gift from my regular wargaming partner. These models just crack me up.


We’ve used them as killers for Don’t Look Back. They would make for an interesting 7TV crew too, though I think I’d need to find a few more sidekicks.


Dorothy surveys the battlefield.


This Rose sculpt also reminds me of President Taylor from 24.


Sophia’s ready for her mall walk.

Golden Gunners

Don’t Look Back: Adepticon Seths

Black Site ran these alternate Seths as an Adepticon show special. I think this might be the first model I’ve had which, in the game fiction, has actually attended a con with me.

Seth the Hero

Seth is one of the heroes from the core Don’t Look Back box. He seems to be something of a mascot for the studio.

Seth the Villain

I’m not sure I like the implications of the villain being the guy who went overboard in the dealer hall…

Don’t Look Back: Supporting Characters

Don’t Look Back features supporting characters. Basically they’re NPCs who need to dragged around and/or eaten, but don’t get to play the heroes. The box comes with some tokens for them, but mixing models and tokens for characters never feels right to me.

Fortunately, one of the expansions available is this set of six models, along with some extra rules crunch. If nothing else, it’s a couple of modern civilians to fill out whatever random modern ruleset I might get into.