Category Archives: Beastgrave

Underworlds: Grymwatch

Underworlds continues to be a bunch of fun bite-sized hobby projects. This one is the Grymwatch, the undead warband from the Beastgrave cycle.

Duke Crackmarrow

The summoning mechanic here is different from the Sepulchral Guard back in the first year. Instead of needing to spend an activation to return dead models to the board, Duke Crackmarrow gets to call one for free at the start of each turn, arriving at a board edge.

There’s a fun mix of ghouls in the warband, doing nasty things with the remains of their enemies.

Valreek the Tracker

I’m not quite sure how one impales a skull on back hair, but I believe in Valreek.

Duke’s Harriers

Also, giant bats!


Underworlds: Morgwaeth’s Blade Coven

Morgwaeth’s Blade Coven is the other of the new(ish) warbands. In proper Games Workshop style, they feature giant hair.


Much like the studio paint, I used hair color to help Morgwaeth stand out as leader. She gets blue, while everybody else gets pink.


Only slightly more impractical than the giant hair are the giant headpieces.


One downside to the Blade-Coven is how much volume the models take. Good luck fitting it in standard infantry foam.


I didn’t have to transition between snake and woman on Kyrae. Her armor hides all that.

Morgwaeth’s Blade Coven

Underworlds: Morgok’s Krushas

As the first new releases since I started playing Underworlds, I was excited to pick up and paint these guys.


I’ve always liked the orks, but have never really gotten into them in my time in the main GW games, probably because the idea of a horde army has always turned me off (or at least my wallet and paint queue).


As a small model count skirmish game, though, Underworlds has no such problem. At only three models, this is tied for the smallest warband in Underworlds.


They’re big and brutal. And maybe cunning?

Morgok’s Krushas

Underworlds: Grashrak’s Despoilers

The beastmen of Grashrak’s Despoilers fills a gap in my general fantasy model collection. They could fill in for all kinds of evil beasties.


I’m particularly pleased with how the colors turned out. The flesh is definitely purple, but still fleshy. The yellow-green to the accents is loud, but since I often paint muted, it’s a nice change of pace.


I wanted the bases to reflect a more desolate region than Skaeth’s Wild Hunt. The woods are gray, the greens desaturated. It helps to make the colors on the figures stand out.

Grashrak’s Despoilers (group)