Team Yankee: M1 Abrams

I watched the Team Yankee pre-launch hype late last year with some interest.  The period (modern-ish) and scale (15mm – big enough to be visceral, but still small enough to have swarms of tanks!) was interesting.  But I was pretty sure I didn’t have room for another miniatures game in my life.

When Endgame announced a build & play launch event, I failed my willpower save.  So I put in my order for the rulebook and US starter.  Unfortunately, every else bailed.  So I hung out and built, but didn’t get to play.  On the upside, I didn’t have to break my streak of playing with only painted models.

In prep for a future in which I play the game, I’ve gotten painting.  I settled on the NATO tri-color scheme, even though it’s slightly anachronistic, and picked up some Vallejo Air paints designed for the pattern.

M1 Abrams
M1 Abrams

This was the first time I’ve used my airbrush for camo work.  I tried to follow the pattern, but didn’t really have the control to follow the lines.  The edges are also much softer than I wanted.  You gotta start somewhere.

M1 Abrams (group)
M1 Abrams (group)

The start of an armor horde.  Although if I really wanted a horde, I probably should have picked the Soviets..

M1 Abrams (detail)
M1 Abrams (detail)

15mm dudes are small.  I probably should have been a little neater with the flesh tone.

Next, the Cobras.  Then finding time and an opponent to actually play the game.

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