Shatterpoint: Today the Rebellion Dies (Iden Versio squad)

More imperials, this time from a video game.

Iden Versio

Iden’s droid is a fun supporting piece in the video game. But I managed to damage the legs, so I decided to pose it in backpack mode.

Gideon Hask

Hask, the other Gideon.

Del Meeko

The box comes with one named Supporting unit (Del Meeko) along with the standard unnamed two-character unit (Imperial Special Forces). The box has helmets for everybody. And these are super cool helmets. But I decided to keep my standard bare heads for primary/secondary and helmets for support, to help with visual identification on the table.

Today the Rebellion Dies (Iden Versio squad)

Shatterpoint: Terrain leftovers

The Shatterpoint terrain kits always come with doodads, some of which take a while to get to the top of the queue. So here are some leftovers!


The cat is part of the original starter box. He’s sitting some poor buried astromech, lord of all things (like all cats).

Swoop Bike

The swoop bike is part of the scatter terrain from the Take Cover set. Somebody forgot to charge their bike and is stuck walking home.