Category Archives: 40k

Eldar: Revenant Titan

At the end of 2013, I participated in a narrative campaign (Relic War / Warzone Harat) put on by the G3 Santa Cruz group.  It was a three-part event hosted by Endgame.  I took my Dark Eldar with Eldar allies.

For the finale, they ran an “Apoc-lite” event – basically a high-point game with super heavies, but sticking to the force org chart otherwise.  This was announced at the end of the second day, in November.

I decided to use this as an excuse to get an Eldar Revenant Titan.  With the third game in January, I had about 8 weeks to select, order, assemble, and paint the model.  I made the deadline, but it was a bit intense.

Revenant full
Revenant full

I had originally intended to magnetize the fins on the back, to make it easier to transport.  It ended up wobbly, though, so I glued it down.

Revenant front
Revenant front

The gun barrels are successfully magnetized, so I can (in theory) get sonic lances if I wanted to swap it out.  It also makes it easier to transport.

Revenant cockpit
Revenant cockpit

I didn’t like the hinge mechanism on the hood, so I just snipped it off and put on a couple of magnets (notice a trend?).

I knew that the kit came with two hood options.  I was surprised to find that it also came with a second lower head piece.  I may someday use that for a terrain piece or something.

Revenant rear
Revenant rear

The rod is to hold the whole thing together.  This is a pretty top-heavy model, and even though I pinned all the major joints, there was still a lot of play.  A little acrylic rod fixed it up, although it still makes me nervous every time I move the model.

Revenant base
Revenant base

I have a loose idea of the Dark Eldar/Eldar force being opposed to some Necron force, and using dead Necron bits on the bases.  This model is the most elaborate one by far (although it’s still pretty simple).  I decided that the Revenant just blew up a Tesseract Vault, then jump jetted on top of it to select the next target.

I bought a couple of bits from the Vault kit off Ebay.  The C’tan bit was stupidly expensive (well, it is a standalone unit in Apoc..), so I instead used a Dr. Manhattan HeroClix miniature.  I tried putting the model in boiling water to repose it, but the damn arm wouldn’t stay down.  I ended up cutting it off and putting in some tentacles.  I also made tentacles, using Green Stuff Industries’ Tentacle Maker (though mine are the v1 opaque ones), for the Canoptek thing.  This let me shape them however I wanted before the putty cured.

Overall I’m very happy with how the model turned out.  I wish the airbrushing was a little more consistent, and that it stood upright on it’s own.  It does look nice in the cabinet, but I should find more opportunities to play with it.

Inquisition War: Deathwatch Vehicles

As part of the ongoing Inquisition War campaign at Endgame, I needed some rides for my Inquisitorial retinue and Deathwatch Kill Team.

I decided on a Razorback for the retinue.  I wanted to use something that could double as a vehicle for the Deathwatch when the campaign is done, which eliminated the various IG options.  Plus, psybolt ammo.

Inquisitorial Razorback

I used the Forge World Rhino doors and brass etch set, plus embellished with a few bits from the bits box to really pimp it out. The whole think was primed black, then airbrushed from the top with a dark gray.  This gives a slight gradient, and makes the tank look a little less flat.

The Deathwatch generally ride to battle in a Drop Pod.  This is, of course, awesome, although they often don’t survive to see turn two.  I should probably adjust my tactics.

Deathwatch Drop Pod (closed)

The Drop Pod got the same gray airbrush treatment as the Razorback.  I wanted to make this thing look Deathwatchy.  Since the thing is five-way symmetric, it took most of the small brass etch insignia to get it done.  Five each on the door, above the vent thing on the sides, on the top, and on the floor in front of each pair of harnesses.

Deathwatch Drop Pod (open)

Again, the weapon is magnetized, and both storm bolter and missile launcher are painted up.

Deathwatch Drop Pod (detail)

Updated July 2018 with improved images.

Random Rursday: Hunter Missile

On Thursdays, I like to take a break from my army projects.  Instead, I try to do something that I can start and complete all in one evening.


A really quick one this week.

I finished the Hunter/Stalker kit a while ago. I decided to take it in the Hunter variety in my next game. This tank, if it misses, gets another chance the next turn. That means you need a marker of some kind.

The kit came with a missile to stick in the gun barrel, which I decided to save for something like this project. A quick snip of a paperclip, some primer, drybrush, and it’s done.

Hunter missile

About the only clever bit to this model is, naturally, not pictured. I put a blob of green stuff on the underside to give the wire something to bite into. Previously I’ve only pinned stuff to more solid resin bases, which doesn’t have that problem.

The back really cries out for something from the Armorcast Cinematic Effects line, but I need this for a game now. I hope to go back and give this model a more dynamic smoke trail/rocket flame/whatever.

Updated September 2018 with improved images.

Ultramarines: Sniper Scouts

More Ultramarines, hot on the heels of the tanks.  This time I’ve done a set of the plastic sniper scouts, which I got as part of the strike force.

Sniper Scout (no cloak)

Scouts have small shoulder pads, and I didn’t have the small-U decals.  I did have some from the old space marine bike set that had a the U in a circle, so I just trimmed off the circle.  I think it works pretty well.

Sniper Scout (gun up)

I decided to use the pointing hand on the sergeant, since just about everybody puts on the other hand.  I should have put the scope back on his rifle, though.

I was pleased to see that it had parts to either do the missile launcher guy or another sniper — including the torso and head.  All you need to do to field both is to find some legs and a base.  As luck would have it, I have some scout legs in my bits box.

Scout (missile launcher)

I somehow missed that the crouching guy had his own torso, complete with cloak that goes around the leg.  I noticed after basecoating, and was able to correct it without any real problems.

Updated September 2018 with improved images.