Category Archives: Malifaux

Malifaux: Mature Nephilim

Following up from the Young, it’s time to meet the big brother.

Mature Nephilim
Mature Nephilim

I went back to the lighter purple for this guy. I did the plastic Young in red and purple. The proxy I already have is red, so that means somebody needs to be purple. I used blue and gray in the accents to tie it to the metal Youngs a bit.

When I applied the wash (Secret Weapon Purple), it was so much darker than the skin that any sloppy wash placement caused real problems. One of these days I’ll remember this and mix an appropriate tone when washing over a lightly colored base.

In news that’s only exciting to me, this model completes my Wave One plastic Neverborn collection. I’ve still got quite a few to go before finishing any other wave, for this or any other faction.

Malifaux: Young Nephilim

I’ve wanted to do a growth list since the beginning of time. I know it’s not regarded as especially great. But hey, killing models while buffing your own sounds pretty nice. I’ve been missing Young Nephilims, so haven’t been able to give it a shot.

Young Nephilim (jumping)

Once upon a time I had a scheme for Nephilim, going from darker purple for the Terror Tots and getting lighter as they got bigger. I’ve since come to realize that easily identifying individual models on the table is hugely important. And I’ve got more widely varying color in assorted named Nephilim. When I eventually add more Tots into the mix, I’ll give them more color, too.

Young Nephilim (extra head)

If I’m doing a growth list, there might be times where two Young isn’t enough. I’ve already got a Mature proxy. I found that the FLGS had old metal Young Nephilim on clearance. I don’t particularly care for most of the metal era Malifaux models, but cheap models for second tier summons are hard to say no to. Plus, the regular Nephilim box feels like maybe one of the worst value in the Malifaux line.

Malifaux: Will o’ the Wisp

I scored these models in the Adepticon swag bag. It has taken far too long to get them painted up.Will o' the Wisp (the scream)

Will o’ the Wisp (the scream)All three had a pretty nasty seam running down the middle of their bodies. I rushed gap filling and didn’t do a particular good job. Worse, I lost the lower jaw of The Scream to the carpet gods, but forgot about that when I was doing green stuff gap filling. Ugh!

Will o' the Wisp (wrists)
Will o’ the Wisp (wrists)

I decided to do the nodules as glowy bits like in the box art. I wish I had also done something a little more eye-catching for the wings. They’re sculpted as insectoid, but the paint doesn’t sell it,

Will o' the Wisp (in flight)
Will o’ the Wisp (in flight)

I don’t even know how this one is supposed to be mounted to the base. Gluing the fingertips doesn’t seem like it would last. So I sunk a bit of clear acrylic rod through the body. No problem.

I’ve been holding off on playing Zoraida even though I’m excited about the new Wave 5 upgrades for her. It seemed certain that I would be frustrated with the lack of Will o’ the Wisps to supercharge the Voodoo Doll. Now I’m ready.

Malifaux: Banjonistas

I’m not sure how excited I am about playing with the Banjonistas, but I compulsively bought them for the Alt Swinecursed, so figured I might as well toss some paint on ’em and see what happens.

Banjonista (white hat)

As models I think they’re quite fun. In retrospect, it might have been a good idea to convert some of the banjos into shotguns and use as extra Bayou Gremlins.

Banjonista (dancing)

Still, crew mobility is always good. When I play Somer, I tend to get an awful lot of gremlins killed. Some extra card draw is a nice bonus.

Banjonista (drinking)