I scored these models in the Adepticon swag bag. It has taken far too long to get them painted up.
Will o’ the Wisp (the scream)All three had a pretty nasty seam running down the middle of their bodies. I rushed gap filling and didn’t do a particular good job. Worse, I lost the lower jaw of The Scream to the carpet gods, but forgot about that when I was doing green stuff gap filling. Ugh!

I decided to do the nodules as glowy bits like in the box art. I wish I had also done something a little more eye-catching for the wings. They’re sculpted as insectoid, but the paint doesn’t sell it,

I don’t even know how this one is supposed to be mounted to the base. Gluing the fingertips doesn’t seem like it would last. So I sunk a bit of clear acrylic rod through the body. No problem.
I’ve been holding off on playing Zoraida even though I’m excited about the new Wave 5 upgrades for her. It seemed certain that I would be frustrated with the lack of Will o’ the Wisps to supercharge the Voodoo Doll. Now I’m ready.