Category Archives: Limited/Special Editions

Malifaux: Flying Monkeys

Next up for the Dark Carnival is Mr Cooper’s totems, Flying Monkeys (alt Mechanical Doves).

Flying Monkey (blue)

Purple or green monkeys would have been silly. Instead, I used those colors for the hat and shorts, and pulled out the gray from Mr Cooper’s hair as the main color for the Flying Monkeys. I always wish I could achieve more texture for animal models, but either fail or wimp out. This time it was wimping out.

Flying Monkey (white)

Since the monkeys reappear on the Coryphee, I really wanted to use these models to validate the color scheme. I’m happy with the results.

Flying Monkey (white)

The three sculpts, while not identical, aren’t exactly distinctive on the tabletop. So I colored the wings to make them easy to identify in game.

Malifaux: Mr Cooper and Baritone Lola

When Wyrd’s Easter sale announcement made the Nightmare Coryphee available again, plus a new alt Joss, from the Guilder store I decided I had to dust off my Dark Carnival box and bring it to the table. It took some time, but now I’m finally getting them off the workbench.

Dark Carnival is the Nightmare box Wyrd released at Gencon 2015, and has been available a few times since. It is an alternate for the Colette Smoke and Mirrors box, with an evil circus theme. Each model gets a alternate sculpt from the standard box.

Mr Cooper
Mr Cooper


Mr Cooper (alt Colette) sets the color tone. Deep violet red and green. In retrospect, I wish I had used the darker green for the scarf, to give it more contrast with the scarf.

Baritone Lola

Baritone Lola (alt Cassandra) continues the colors, although switching the focus to the greens. I’m quite pleased with the face makeup on this model. It’s simple but effective, and helps to sell the model as a clown.

Malifaux: Vintage Pandora

I think the vintage models from Wyrd’s Guilder store may break me from the compulsive need to acquire every limited/special edition/alt model. You can collect Guilders by participating in sanctioned events, usually one for playing, and more for winning. With a total of 35 needed to get all seven currently available models, there’s no way I’ll get them all.

In the summer, I did manage to win a Henchman Hardcore tournament at Games of Berkeley. A Vintage model would be mine!

Vintage Pandora
Vintage Pandora

Pandora is in my faction, plus maybe the coolest of the set. So she was my clear choice.

I tried reverse shading the apparitions, though the faces looked wrong without darkened eyes and mouths. Otherwise, I kept it much the same as my original Pandora.

Malifaux: Alt Bayou Gator

I haven’t been excited enough about Bayou Gators to buy a box. But I’ve got a well-documented obsession with limited editions, so when this became available through a LGS promo I had no choice.

Bayou Gator (alt)
Bayou Gator (alt)

Wyrd’s plastics have gotten a lot better at not having a crapton of tiny pieces, but they still aren’t great at placing seam lines. Right in the middle of the nicely textured skin makes it hard to clean up.

The package came with two head variants – one enjoying a snack, and one boring one. You can guess which I selected.