For the last few years, I’ve pickedupmodelsat Adepticon for the the kids to paint. This year, with no Adepticon, I had to do something else. Ruth had mentioned liking these treefolk while at the shop with me, so I picked up the box for her.
This was also the excuse I used to buy GW Contrast paints, though I’ve certainly used them for myself.
Ruth carefully studied the box art when deciding how to paint her tree friends.
Gallanghann of the Glade
We’ve also played a game of Underworlds with it. Ruth declares that her favorite warband is still the Sepulchral Guard, though. She likes the ability to bring her guys back after they get killed.
When I decided to give Underworlds a try, I went around to get what discontinued Shadespire warbands I could find without markup. Many of the first season warbands are highly usable as general fantasy models. Case in point, the skeletal Sepuchral Guard.
The Sepulchral Warden
I went a little further weathering armor, using Secret Weapon’s verdigris and rust paints. The green on the armor contrasts nicely with the red cloak.
The Champion
The bones is GW Contrast Skeleton Horde over a zenithal white primer, with some extra highlights.
The Harvester
I experimented using a Vallejo Buff under the Skeleton Horde on the Harvester. It’s far too yellow for my taste, but not enough to paint over it.
The Prince of Dust
In game, these guys thing seems to be getting re-summoned. In fact, that’s how they Inspire. They don’t have as much mobility as the Nightvault high model count undead, the Nighthaunts.
Underworlds has board game-styled boards, which is nice for quick setup, but far flatter than I’m used to. Fortunately, starting with Underworlds, GW has released plastic terrain kits with pieces for each of boards’ special hexes.
For blocked hexes, it’s very useful to have the terrain as truly blocked. For some of the hazardous hexes (the tentacle pit of doom), the piece is flat enough for a model to stand on. For others, you’ll need to move the marker off the hex. That makes them somewhat less useful and immersion-breaking. Ahh, well, it’s better than nothing.
The other half of the Nightvault box is Stormsire’s Cursebreakers. The Stormcast Eternals tend not to do much for me — they’re a bit too clean. Still, a small number can be fun to paint.
Ammis Dawnguard
The blue armor is Turbodork’s Ice to Never colorshift paint, the same as I used on the chibi pony knight.
Averon Stormsire
It’s primarily a blue that shifts to a pink. After washing and dullcote, the shift quite subtle, which I think gives it a nice rich color without being too distracting.
Rastis the Charmed
Once again I find painting an Underworlds warband to be a ton of fun. It’s just a few models, and then you can move onto something else.