Category Archives: Malifaux

Malifaux: Johana

After getting badly badly poisoned by McMourning a few weeks ago, I decided I needed some condition removal, in the form of the limited edition Johana.


I originally tried to use a different blue on her shirt, centered on Marine Teal., but I didn’t like how it looked.  I painted back over with the blues I’ve been using, centered on Twilight Blue.  It ended up as an interesting intermediate shade. Some of the highlighting a bit loud up close, but it works well on the tabletop.

Johana (detail)
Johana (detail)

This model is also my entry in December’s #MFXTOP painting competition.

Updated October 2016 with improved images.

Malifaux: Terror Tots

My Jakob Lynch crew has a decided lack of cheap models — the only model less than 7 stones is Mr Tannen, and he’s kind of a specialty piece.  These Terror Tots give me more options.

Terror Tot (wolverine)
Terror Tot (wolverine)

I went for a base color of Reaper’s Imperial Purple, a highlight of Amethyst purple, and wash of Secret Weapon Amethyst.  The armbands are the Midnight Blue, Twilight Blue, and Snow Shadow triad, which I’ve been using across the Neverborn.  The hooves, loincloth, horns, and teeth are all variations on Bone Shadow/Aged Bone/Bone Highlight, washed with SW Sepia Brown.

Terror Tot (punch daggers)
Terror Tot (punch daggers)

Looking at the pictures, the eyes don’t pop nearly enough.  I’ll probably go back and try to bring them out a bit more.  I like the highlighting I’ve got on the hooves, face, and armbands, though.

Terror Tot (arm blade)
Terror Tot (arm blade)

I think these demon babies will make a nice addition to my crew.

Updated October 2016 with improved images.

Malifaux: Mr. Graves

Next up is Mr. Graves, a big man with a stick. You can tell he’s classy because he wears spats.

Mr Graves
Mr Graves

I splattered some blood on his front. Don’t mess with a man whose fist is larger than his head. I like the effect up close, but from a little farther away it’s either invisible or just looks dirty.

Mr Graves (detail)
Mr Graves (detail)

Somebody’s skull is having a bad day.

With this model, I’ve painted all my Malifaux models, except for the Nightmare Whiskey Golem (which I’ll wait until I have more Gremlins to play him with).  I don’t let myself buy too far ahead of what I can paint, so I have to finish some 40k before getting any more.  I’m thinking of getting the Lilith box next.  That’ll get me Terror Tots for some cheap scheme runners, plus expand into a second master.

Updated October 2016 with improved images.

Malifaux: Miss Ery (Teddy)

Miss Ery is the Wyrd Gencon bonus model for this year.  It goes together pretty easily, and is a fairly nice model.  There are some weird lines on the torso, which I think is from milling out the mold at not-quite-high-enough resolution.  Hard to argue with the price, though.

Miss Ery
Miss Ery

I played with putting some of GW’s “technical” Blood for the Blood God” paint here.  I started applying it before Dullcoting, which I realized was silly (part of makes it work is the wet/glossy texture).  I just went over most of it again after applying the varnish.

I decided to go for metal for stitching as well as the claws.  I thought it would make her look more menacing.

Miss Ery (detail)
Miss Ery (detail)

I’m still not quite sure what the tuft on the top patch is supposed to be.  It doesn’t look like leaking stuffing, or anything else for that matter.

What a cuddly teddy bear.

Updated October 2016 with improved images.