Ross Jebson was one of this year’s Easter models from Wyrd. He’s an alt Slop Hauler, and may remind you of somebody. I’ve been watching Bob Ross videos with the kids, so I’m primed and ready to go. Of course, I had to have a happy tree, and a cabin. I didn’t exactly follow the prescribed technique, but I can do anything I want, so nice, so nice.
Ross Jebson (alt Slop Hauler)
This was the first metal model out of Wyrd for a while. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about it, though if it lets them do more small run models it’s worth it. Metal also lets you get away with some finer pieces, like the easel.
I’ve never actually felt like I figured out the whole summoning thing in Malifaux, Somer included. I don’t let that stop me from growing my collection, of course.
Vintage Somer Teeth Jones
Like with Pandora, I mostly kept to the same color choices. The biggest change is with the hat color. The hat and boot are both Secret Weapon rust acrylics.
As this blog often demonstrates, I have a weak spot for limited models. Knowing this, Sean, my friend and regular gaming partner, generously gave me my first metal limited Malifaux model, the Gremlinette.
Gremlinette (alternate Hog Whisperer)
I usually pin plastic Gremlins into already made and painted bases. The Gremlinette came with the a standard metal tab between her feet. I decided to leave it and just build the base around her. The base may have suffered a bit for it, but she’s firmly attached.
Now that the metal barrier has been breached, we’ll see what other limited models make their way across my workbench.
Onceagain it’s time for a reflection on a year of hobby.
I started the year with a deadline looming. A Team Yankee campaign was getting started. I had just acquired enough models to fill out an army and only had about five weeks to get it table ready. I also had Dropzone Commander and Arena Rex backburnered.