Arena Rex: Sereqet and Zahra

Sereqet is another of the beasts for Arena Rex. Like Caho-Ta and Ladon, it can optionally have a rider. In this case, Zahra is part of the Morituri starter.

Sereqet with Zahra

Like the other mounts, I drilled and glued in a small magnet to help the rider stay in place.


I wanted a metallic green for the carapace. It came out a bit on the chalky side, but I’m generally pretty happy with it.

As a bonus, this model would work as a pretty good radscorpion for This is Not a Test, Fallout, or other post-apoc games.

Arena Rex: Morituri Starter (Zahra, Mago, and Ur-Kek)

I don’t play nearly enough Arena Rex, but at least I get to paint it. Here I’m starting up yet another faction, the Morituri.


There are quite a few of these nets in Arena Rex. I usually don’t like how they turn out, but this one is pretty good. Probably because it’s a fine enough mesh that the dark recesses works well with a simple wash.


Mago is just so cuddly. As long as he doesn’t swing that giant blade at you.


Zahra also rides a giant scorpion, but not in the faction starter. Fortunately, her spear and whip come in both metal and resin. I chose metal, so I could keep it straight, and it would bend instead of snap.

Morituri Starter (Mago, Zahra, and Ur-Kek)

Blitz Bowl: Goblins

The Underworlds Creepers are nearly the perfect Blitz Bowl box. It’s got two different six-model teams, the skaven and goblins. There’s just one problem: the goblin Blitz Bowl team is special and has eight models. I considered filling in the numbers with third party models, or even some of the Forgeworld options. In the end, I kept things simple and bought the four-man goblin expansion GW prime sells. That leaves with two spares.

To make the team fit in with the skaven, while still being distinct when played as separate teams, I cycled the colors. The skaven had green cloth and purple armor. Goblins have green flesh, purple cloth, and mostly black/metal armor.

The goblin balls are perhaps the best of the bunch. I especially like the squiq in a ball costume.

Goblin balls

The coin and marker got my standard treatment. No-frills, but still clearly team-associated.

Goblin team