I’ve decided to take part in Ben Sime’s continuation of Tale of Malifaux Bloggers. As a quick recap, the idea is to build up a collection over time. Each month you get an allowance to buy, then build, paint, play, and finally ruminate on a set of models. As Ben is in the UK, he’s established £60 for the first month and £25 in following. I’m interpreting that as $60 and $22.50.
After being inspired by Episode 19 of the Before We Begin podcast, I’ve decided on Zoraida. Yes, I’ve already got a ton of Neverborn. That actually makes it a little more interesting, because I’ll want to avoid anything I already have. There’s also the possibility of expanding into Gremlins.

In Before We Begin, Ewan Smart describes a Zoraida crew based around a bunch of Swampfiends being annoying everywhere, plus the Voodoo Doll comboed with a Sorrow. That sounded pretty awesome, so I’m going to see if I can put my own twist on it.
For the first month, I’ll start with the Swamp Hag box. I’m a firm believer in paying where you play, so I picked it up at Game Kastle while I was playing the league game. That uses $50 of my $60 first month budget. I’ll save the rest for next month.