I’ve had this model for years. Now that I have a McMourning crew, it’s finally time for it to see some paint.
Since Rowan is Living, I went for brighter colors than much of the rest of the my Resurrectionists.
I already had painted up Vintage McMourning to use as a second master in crews. I figured I might as well get the full crew going. I like the vintage sculpt better, so kept the M3E version on sprue for bits or whatever.
The M3E sculpts certainly fill out the 40mm bases. Sebastian here is even more of a hunchback than usual.
The Flesh Constructs are no longer Frankenstein type zombies. They’ve got much more of a Sloth-from-Goonies look to them.
Compared to the big guys, the Zombie Chihuahua is tiny. But at least he has some snacks.
Between the cyberpunk themed Malifaux 1988 set and the alt Metal Golem coming standalone, I needed to do something for the Metal Gamin. I decided some kind of cyber dogs would be a good fit and found these Necromunda models.
The box only comes with two cyber puppies, but that ought to be enough.
I guess they wouldn’t be tournament legal, but I barely ever play in such events.
I also needed to do something about Neil Henry. The M3E box is packed with Willie, which I already have the alt for. This dude with a giant hammer was in the box with the puppies, so he’ll do, at least for now. I wasn’t finding a way to make him more Malifaux-y, so I used some of the other bits in the package on Bayou Engineering so he doesn’t stand out quite so much.
The Bayou Engineering box is somewhat oddly in keyword with Mei Feng, so naturally I needed it to go with my Malifaux 1988 set.
A healthy smattering of orange will help to unify the color scheme.
The models already have a pretty good cyberpunk quality. To enhance it, and help tie together some planned proxies, I used bits from the Necromunda Arms Masters and Wreckers box.
Hmm, between this and the Soulstone Miners I have a healthy chunk of the Tricksy keyword. Oh, Wyrd, you clever fools..