Category Archives: Malifaux

Arcanists: Union Steamfitters

Completing my M&SU keyword, these steamfitters are some of my favorite minions to paint in some time. Each is distinct and has a ton of great detail, but still fit together as a whole.

Union Steamfitter (cyberleg)

The steamfitters have a rough life. Most seem to have at least one replacement limb.

Union Steamfitter (toolbox)

Each of the set got a different dominant color, as I typically do for repeated models that aren’t supposed to be in uniform.

Union Steamfitter (welding)

To bring them together, some common colors for common items. In this case, GW Wyldwood for the pads, straps, and other leather items.

Union Steamfitters (group)

Arcanists: Troubleshooters (Fitzsimmons, The Captain, Gunsmiths)

The Troubleshooters box gives a nice mix of flavorful henchmen and essential minions.

The Captain

Why would a guy with a sweet uniform walk around with a giant hammer? Why to demonstrate the importance of safety glasses while working, of course!

Gunsmith (pistols)

The Gunsmiths are chock full of of firearms and flowing cloaks.

Gunsmith (rifle)

As I often do, I reversed the colors between the two. Though the green boots are perhaps a bit goofy.


I struggled with what to put on Fitzsimmon’s sign. I needed something short for this angry protestor. In the end, it became clear — of course the M&SU would protest Ramos’ imprisonment.

Troubleshooters (The Captain, Fitzsimmons, and Gunsmiths)

Arcanists: Ironsides Crew Box

I’ve been mostly focusing on Resurrectionists since third edition dropped. But it’s time to take a diversion back to the Arcanists. Like the Ressers, I initially did Arcanists for the limited edition crews. It’s time to branch out.


The crew box contents got reshuffled between M2E and M3E, though no new sculpts.

Amina Naidu

For whatever reason I decided to use the GW Contrast green I have on Amina. That sure is a lot brighter than what I usually use.


Mouse is one of the stranger Malifaux models I’ve done. He’s this weird dwarf guy, carrying a small keg for some reason.

The miners are the newly core minion for Ironsides.

Ironsides Core Box