Category Archives: Bayou

Malifaux: Creative Taxidermy

I’m a little disappointed in this box. It’s got all the models to max out the Rarity for both Stuffed Piglets and Gremlin Taxidermist, which is kind of nice. The two Taxidermists have distinct sculpts (although they’re very similar). I’m much more likely to have a ton of Stuffed Piglets, though, and there are only three sculpts. If I’m going to have to buy all six, I’d like to get unique ones.

Well, I bought anyways, and solved it with paint. I was feeling a little less creative than with regular Piglets, so I kept it simple. Since they’re supposed to be Undead, I gave one set a green zombie skin tone.

The others I used a standard pink flesh. I think the sculpts should be distinct enough to refer to them when needed.

The supervisors have awesome hair. It seems like these guys ought to be a little older and wiser than most Gremlins, having gone through six years of taxidermy school and everything. So I gave them wisened gray hair.

Malifaux: Gracie

Gracie makes the final pig in the queue (for now).


I had considered doing something different for the skin, along the lines of the variety in Piglets.  After all, I’ve already got big pink models in Old Major and a War Pig.  I decided the light colored pink would give a nice contrast to relatively dark improvised armor and bags.

The model ended up less colorful as I sometimes like, but I like it.  I especially like how the bottles turned out.

Malifaux: War Pig

I already have one War Pig in the form of the War Wabbit.  But one is never enough. Although with my poor effectiveness with summoning Ulix, perhaps one was actually enough.

War Pig
War Pig

There was a nasty seam line down the centerline of the pig.  Along the back the hair hides it pretty well.  On his chest, not so much.  Green stuff to the rescue.

If I decide to do more War Pigs, I think it would be fun to do more animals.  I’ve already got a pig and a rabbit.  Maybe a giant beetle?  Or a cow?  A goat?

Malifaux: Pigapult

My pigification continues with the Pigapult.


I like the Gremlin operatior, and the hogtied pig is pretty awesome.  I wish the catapult part had more detail, though.  The wooden frame seems far too neatly constructed.  On the plus side, it neatly fits on the 50mm base.

Pigapult (detail)
Pigapult (detail)

My favorite use of the Pigapult so far has been for a sudden tactical retreat forwards.  My front line was invaded by McMourning, and Ophelia was already loaded up on Poison.  So I activated the Pigapult and evacuated Ophelia and some friends the heck outta there.