Malifaux: Hog Wild – Ulix Crew Box

After picking up some pigs last year, I figured I ought to go all in with the pig controller and summoner, Ulix.


Ulix is a bit of a tricky model.  He has three connection points to the base (foot, peg, and cane), but only one is big enough to pin.  As a game piece, he’s a ton of fun.  When Hunting Bow goes off well, it can be truly amazing.  I haven’t done well with his summoning upgrade, though.  I find I spend far too many resources summoning models that then have a hard time getting into the game.

Old Major
Old Major

I figured Old Major ought to be an old-timer, so I gave him some liver spots.  I’m not convinced it works, though, versus having measles.  In game, he makes the pigs far more controllable.  I wish that pigs could choose not to charge other pigs, rather than being illegal targets.  I often want to charge myself for extra movement, and then relent/cheat into irrelevant damage results.


I think I went too soft on the highlights for Penelope.  In the photo it looks okay, but in person it’s kind of just a black mass.

As I try to do with repeated models, I try to make something different about each model other than the pose.  For the Wild Boars, it’s the hair down the spines.

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