Category Archives: Limited/Special Editions

Dropzone Commander: Battle Buses

One of the things I really miss with Resistance is light dropships. Battle Buses are supposed to help fill the gap, so let’s give it a whirl.

I’m not super excited about the weapons (I tend to play lite on upgrades), but I magnetized the howdahs to futureproof the models a bit.

Battle Bus (blue)
Battle Bus (blue)

I’ve seen a lot of these done up as yellow school buses. Always trying to be the special snowflake, I decided on a sherrif’s blue bus instead. For bonus fun, that would make a lot of the slats pre-existing.

Battle Bus (white)
Battle Bus (white)

I thought this bus looked like a tour bus, which around us tend to be white with a logo somewhere.

Battle Bus (con model)
Battle Bus (con model)

The con model was too cool not to leave open topped, so it gets to be armed.

Malifaux: Dr Alexei Solokov (alt Joss)

This model represents my second Guilder model. Unlike Vintage Pandora, the sculpt itself is kind of underwhelming. But slap a “limited edition” label on it and I’m helpless, evidently.

Dr Alexei Solokov
Dr Alexei Solokov

Between the Coryphee, Miss Step, and now Dr Alexei, my Dark Carnival crew is be spoiled for choice for big point hitters. Now I just need more special edition little guys to fill it out.