Category Archives: Limited/Special Editions

Malifaux: Miss Step (alt Howard Langstrom)

I bought Miss Step way back at Black Friday 2014, and it’s been sitting there, waiting for more Arcanists to give me an excuse to paint it. Finally the time has come.

Miss Step (alt Howard Langstrom)
Miss Step (alt Howard Langstrom)

I copied the technique used for my last spider-person model, the somewhat beefier Colossus from Guild Ball.  By putting a foot up on a rock, it gives the model a bit of movement, although from the side it makes her look a bit off balance. When I remember to use it, the rock gives a little handle to pick up the model, too.

Malifaux: Dark Carnival Coryphee

The Coryphee start the game as two single models, but then can merge into a single one during play. I had bought one set when initially released at Black Friday 2015, with the vague idea of magnetizing the bases. As time went on, I used the lack of a second set as an excuse not to do anything with Dark Carnival.

Finally, at the Easter sale this year, the models were available for sale again. This was my opportunity. My friend Sean offered to sell me his set (won in a lucky Mystery Box) for MSRP, so I didn’t even have to wait for shipping.

I already tested the colors on the Mannequins and Flying Monkeys. I carried the main colors onto the wings and ribbons. The connection point below the monkeys’ feet is maddeningly small. It’s important to remember to lift these models from the base, or at least from the bottom.

Dark Carnival Coryphee Duet
Dark Carnival Coryphee Duet

One of the monkey’s hands was mangled by whoever cut the sprue in half to fit it into the Mystery Box. I fixed it with a bit of green stuff, cheating by making the ribbon wrap about the hand to hide missing detail.

Dark Carnival Coryphee (group)
Dark Carnival Coryphee (group)

The colors not only make the two individual Coryphee more distinctive on the table, but help sell that the Duet is the same guys, just joined up.

Now I just need to figure out how to transport these large and delicate models.

Malifaux: Dark Carnival Mannequins

I don’t know how often these models will actually see play, but it finishes out the Dark Carnival main box while giving me practice for the Coryphee.

Dark Carnival Mannequin (green)
Dark Carnival Mannequin (green)

I models these animated mannequins off of my Mechanica models in Guild Ball. I decided to split the violet/reds and greens across the two models. I think the brown of the body works to provide enough visual interest without another major color.

Dark Carnival Mannequin (red)
Dark Carnival Mannequin (red)

The top sword came a little bent, but a spot of plastic glue fixed it up. I’m hoping that the shape of the arms will protect it more now than the sprue did.

Next up, the Dark Carnival Coryphee!


Malifaux: Dark Carnival Performers

Finishing out the named Dark Carnival models, here are the two Performers.

Mercury (Dark Carnival Performer)
Mercury (Dark Carnival Performer)

Every evil circus needs a strong dude with in a bodysuit. Mercury came out a bit on the orange side, but otherwise I’m pretty happy with the highlighting.

Thin Lizzy (Dark Carnival Performer)
Thin Lizzy (Dark Carnival Performer)

I know that cigarette is going to get lost to the foam gods sooner or later. I’m also not entirely sure that beard is natural..