Guild Ball was the other darling of Adepticon this year. I’ve been hearing good things about the game from Fools Daily, the booth was always packed, and the models looked interesting. They were running a con bundle special, so I went in. I selected Engineers, mostly due to looks.

It all starts with the ball. It’s really just a token in the game – most of the time it’s ignored on the board. Still, one comes in the box, so I figured it ought to at least match.

Ballista is the Season One captain for Engineers. Guild Ball is a small model count game with a lot of individualization to each model, but they’re still wearing uniforms. So I was picking out a scheme for the entire team. I decided to treat the gears on his apron more like embossed detailing that separate pieces. I like the deep, almost rust red as the primary color, with white as a contrast, and gold and silver as accents. It’s almost like a Techmarine, which fits I suppose.

Salvo starts showing dynamic poses, with an aggressive leap to the side. You can see the same uniform, although with different bits of flair.

Velocity rounds out the Engineers starter box. She’s an example of the other look for Engineers – wooden mech. Guild Ball models are mostly metal, and Velocity’s pose puts her somewhat off-balance.
I’m excited to get to play more games, although I don’t know how I’ll find the time.