Next from the Dominion box is the other big unit of Kruleboyz infantry, the Gutrippaz.
I love their skinny arms. It’s a very different look from other GW greenskins.
I really dig the new Kruleboyz orcs in the Age of Sigmar Dominion box. Enough that I talked myself into picking up the box. Let’s start with the mooks.
I followed the standard yellow of the studio paint job. But I though mine should have some skin tone variation. So I also have a smattering of blue. Cave hobgrotz!
Dominion comes with twenty of these guys. It’s really two sets of 10-man sprues, but there are enough swappable parts to make a pretty diverse bunch, including two distinct standard bearers and musicians.
My only problem with these guys is that they stick out too much. It makes it hard to put them in foam compactly.
The final piece for my recent Sigmar game was more Vulkites. You always need more. I hope that isn’t actually true, I’m kind of tired of painting them.
These ones are more picks, so I can make a 20-man unit each of axes and picks.
It’s been years since I last painted these guys, but I managed to match colors pretty closely. The easiest way to tell is that these guys have more of a white highlight on their hair.
I dig the original endless spells box (though have only painted up one from it). With a scheduled game for AoS 3rd, I finally had an excuse to get the Fyreslayers one.
The Molten Infernoth has been tempting me from the shop ever since its release. What miniature collection doesn’t need a lava monster? This guy could fit into just about any kind of game. Well, anything except a historical, I guess.
The Fyrewall is somewhat less a universally useful model. But it’s still fun.
I don’t like this sculpt too much. The gloppy lava might work in motion, but I don’t think it works well as a tabletop model. It doesn’t help that my paint ended up so dark.