From time to time I’ll reach into the hobby vault to feature models painted before I started this blog.
I bought most of these bikes on an impulse back in the third edition timeline, though they didn’t see paint until around 2012. I never could quite pull the trigger on the dollar cost of an all-bike army, although I lusted after one.
I only had one attack bike from the olden days, with a metal sidecar. The other two were bought around when I painted them and are the newer all-plastic kits. Actually, that’s lie. I have an all-metal Rogue Trader era attack bike around somewhere.
The bikes are the last of my Ultramarines to get posted. It’s been a long road to get through them all. Next up will be my Dark Eldar.
From time to time I’ll reach into the hobby vault to feature models painted before I started this blog.
Assault Terminators pouring out of Land Raiders has always been a key image for me in 40k. So naturally, when I started playing the Land Raider was one of the first things I picked up.
Land Raider Crusader
It never performed nearly as well in game as I thought that it should, but that rarely stopped me from trying again.
Land Raider Redeemer
I magnetized the turrets to allow play with either modes, although I don’t think I ever brought it in the flamer-tastic Redeemer edition.
From time to time I’ll reach into the hobby vault to feature models painted before I started this blog.
This Tactical squad, although fourth to be posted and labeled as squad I, was actually the second one I painted, back early 2012 or so. It’s the squad from the fifth edition Assault on Black Reach box.
Ultramarines Tactical Squad I (sergeant group)
It was also the first infantry I painted using an airbrush to put down the basecoats.
Ultramarines Tactical Squad I (meltagun group)
The meltagun is a small conversion, since I believe it came with a flamer.
Ultramarines Tactical Squad I (missile launcher group)