All posts by Lucas the Beard

Random Rursday: Khadath, Nefsokar Captain

On Thursdays, I like to take a break from my army projects.  Instead, I try to do something that I can start and complete all in one evening.

Tonight is another model from the first Reaper Bones Kickstarter, Khadath, Nefsokar Captain.

I’ve been using a few Secret Weapon washes for a shading and such, and recently decided to complete the set.  The shipment with most of them came yesterday, so I decided to try to paint the model entirely with the washes.

The experiment was not a success.  I made at least two mistakes:

  1. The blue and the red were poor color choices.
  2. I didn’t give enough time for the washes to dry, especially when doing neighboring colors.  The washes stay really watery for a while.  I ended up getting some bleeding between neighbors, which was really hard to clean up.

I started by doing the bone sections in Armor (I think), which looked really nice, but then it went downhill from there.

I’ll probably try it again, but I’m not sure I have the patience for an all-wash style.

Unpainted model from the Reaper Bones Kickstarter
Khadath, Nefsokar Captain

Updated December 2017 with improved images.