Just in time for the second Inquisition War event on Saturday, I completed a set of three Ultramarines vehicles. First, I’ll talk about this Land Speeder.
As usual, it’s all magnetized up. The missile launchers are swappable for plain hull walls, and the hull/pintle weapons can be added or removed.

The U on the top is from the Ultramarines brass etch set from Forge World. Most of the VII decals are actually from a very old Space Marine Bike Squad decal sheet, purchased in about 2000. They still work pretty well, although I ended up using Future to get a couple of them to stick well.

This is also the first time I’ve used weathering pigments. I went for a pretty minimal look on this one. Since it’s supposed to be a skimmer, I figured there wouldn’t be so much dirt on it. I just put a bit on the grav plating and along the bottom.
Updated September 2018 with improved images.