This is the third and final tank from this batch. This was the first 40k tank I bought with my own money (as opposed to a gift), way back when it was released in 1995. I painted it at the time, although not nearly to my current standards. Unfortunately, I failed to take a picture before I re-primed it.
The chassis is a white plastic, and the turret and radar dish thing are pewter. I’ve mostly been using Reaper’s Brown Wash on metals, before the final drybrush highlights. On this model I decided to try Secret Weapon’s Armor Wash. It’s a lot darker, and gives more of an oily look. I like it, although maybe not for the Ultramarines.

I used the weathering powders here again. I think it added a nice dirty look to it, although I need to play with other weathering techniques. I went from bright to dark browns on this one, reversed from the Stalker, I went from bright to dark browns on this one. It ended up with a much sandier look, which wasn’t really what I’m going for here. I like experimenting, even when it’s not quite the result I want.
For bonus geek and/or hoarding points, I’ve kept the White Dwarf introducing the kit.
Updated July 2018 with improved images.