A friend recently suggested we give Age of Sigmar 3rd edition a go. That was all the excuse I needed to pick up and paint some of the Fyreslayers stuff that had passed me by, starting with the Magmic Battleforge.
Magmic Battleforge
This model is sometimes called the pizza oven, which is apt. But it’s still a nice bit of dwarven architecture. I especially like the dent above the righthand eyebrow.
Magmic Battleforge (detail)
I magnetized the flames, so I could pull it out to represent the once-per-battle ability being used.
I don’t love the pose of these blockers. There’s something classically GW about them, but my nostalgia for it isn’t quite powerful enough.
Chaos balls
I’ve only been painting half team boxes, then selling off or giving away the other half. It’s all I need for Blitz Bowl, and I don’t really have much desire for Blood Bowl. But Dungeon Bowl has me intrigued, and I think these half teams will be enough.
We had the halflings, now it’s time for a team with a different hunger.
The ghoul gets a distinct skin color, to help separate it from the rest of the team.
The mummy ended up with darker bandages than I had intended.
Wight Blitzer
The wight blitzer looks a lot like his less-powerful skeleton friends. The key is the winged helmet.
One of the zombies lost a finger during assembly. But, hey, zombie don’t care.
The undead team is unique in Blitz Bowl for having seven models on the team. They’ve even got two pairs of mooks, instead of triple linemen like so many others.
The Halfling Blood Bowl team is a bit unusual for Blitz Bowl. First, there’s only one ball and coin sprue, which means you can’t just split it down the middle like most of them.
Halfling Hopefuls
Second, there’s only one model marked as a runner per sprue, and four hopefuls. Glove guy here looks kind of runner-y, so he got the spot.
Halfling Runners
On the plus side, there are lots of alternate parts, so you can customize your team a good bit without needing to be clever.
Halfling Hefty
Plus, sausage decals.
Halfling balls
Halfling coin
Halfling token
For this round, I put the freestanding balls on 20mm bases. It makes them easier to handle.