Gjallr is the new Zephyri model release at Adepticon this year. I couldn’t let my chosen faction get left behind, could I?
Gjallr is another victim to my red haired kick. Somehow I thought a purple fur cloak would balance it. Or at least distinguish from the white fur of so many other of my Arena Rex models.
The Lone Guard Commander is the final Advocate model from the latest Relicblade Kickstarter. He’s an individual model that thematically goes with the Lone Guard faction pack.
For the Lone Guard human characters I used the same three colors in different combinations of pants, shirt, and cloak. I needed the commander to match while still getting a distinctive look. Thus, the orange cloak and shield (unique color) but burgundy accents (common color).
The Bounty Hunter was one of the stretch goal individual models from the latest Relicblade Kickstarter. She continues my red hair obsession.
Bounty Hunter
She’s a fun single-piece model. I’d think the eyepatch would mess with depth perception when sniping with the crossbow, but who am I to argue? In game, she can move dodge tokens between characters, handy if you’ve got a rogue that’s thirsty for them.
The Moldorf Expedition is the other new faction set from the latest Relicblade Kickstarter. As a new game mechanic, the Moldorfs are all neutral, meaning they can be hired into both Advocate and Adversary crews.
Moldorf Bibliothecary
I’d been painting a lot of greens and reds, so decided to make this set focus on blues.
Illusory Horror
The Illusory Horror featured airbrushed blends and some of the more delicately painted eyes in recent memory. Black teeth contribute to the nightmarish qualities.
Moldorf Hearthguard
I mixed up blue metallics for most of the armor, otherwise there wouldn’t be enough surface for my blue theme. Blue steel is cool, right?
Moldorf Shadowfoot
The Shadowfoot continues with my recent red hairobsession. He’s stocky but I still believe that he’s light on his feet. Plus he carries at least three daggers.