Next up is Mr. Graves, a big man with a stick. You can tell he’s classy because he wears spats.
Mr Graves
I splattered some blood on his front. Don’t mess with a man whose fist is larger than his head. I like the effect up close, but from a little farther away it’s either invisible or just looks dirty.
Mr Graves (detail)
Somebody’s skull is having a bad day.
With this model, I’ve painted all my Malifaux models, except for the Nightmare Whiskey Golem (which I’ll wait until I have more Gremlins to play him with). I don’t let myself buy too far ahead of what I can paint, so I have to finish some 40k before getting any more. I’m thinking of getting the Lilith box next. That’ll get me Terror Tots for some cheap scheme runners, plus expand into a second master.
Miss Ery is the Wyrd Gencon bonus model for this year. It goes together pretty easily, and is a fairly nice model. There are some weird lines on the torso, which I think is from milling out the mold at not-quite-high-enough resolution. Hard to argue with the price, though.
Miss Ery
I played with putting some of GW’s “technical” Blood for the Blood God” paint here. I started applying it before Dullcoting, which I realized was silly (part of makes it work is the wet/glossy texture). I just went over most of it again after applying the varnish.
I decided to go for metal for stitching as well as the claws. I thought it would make her look more menacing.
Miss Ery (detail)
I’m still not quite sure what the tuft on the top patch is supposed to be. It doesn’t look like leaking stuffing, or anything else for that matter.
The Reaper came together pretty quickly. It’s a Forge World resin/plastic kit based on the Raider. It’s been primed and waiting for me for a while. I’m not sure how effective it is (it’s gotten nerfed a couple of times with edition changes), but it looks pretty cool. I may use it as a centerpiece for a haywire-themed army, along with haywire Wyches and Scourges with haywire blasters.
Dark Eldar Reaper
I really like the sail on this model, although it was a pain to get ready. It came a little warped. While it easily can be adjusted with hot water, it’s hard to get it straight. Plus there was a ton of flash in the rigging, although it cleaned up pretty well.
Dark Eldar Reaper (front detail)
Even though these dudes have no rules supporting them, I figured I ought to bling out the model a bit.
Dark Eldar Reaper (rear detail)
One of the more subtle resin bits are these extra trailing blades. The main gun also runs all the way through the hull, which I think is kind of neat.
This completes my Dark Eldar backlog, so I’m ready for the new codex!
These markers are the final models I wanted to get done ahead of Celesticon. All told, I was able to bring a fully painted 50 soulstone crew with painted markers to my first non-demo Malifaux game.
Scheme markers
These are pretty simple scheme markers. They are Armskeeper resin crystal put on 30mm bases, with a little sand and grit to fill out the base. These should be nice faction-neutral markers, with different colors to potentially indicate different things.
Scheme markers (all)
The package came with 12 crystals, which I think should be plenty.
Brilliance clouds
The Illuminated have a power to leave 30mm Brilliance Cloud markers behind. I decided to make specific markers for them, since I expect to focus on Lynch for a while. It also gave me an excuse to play with Armorcast cinematic effects.
As for the casual play event itself, I was paired up with Steve, who has been playing for a few weeks and brought Ramos. I had fun, but I got smashed pretty badly.
I was pretty comfortable with the basic mechanics, though I had a difficult time remembering all the things my crew could do. By the end of the game, I was getting a lot more comfortable with it, although I still don’t think I’ll be able to combo too well. Steve had come with a handy cheat sheet, with suggestions of combos, and powers he could get off with certain cards in his hand, etc.
I think I need to try to get in a few games learning each model before adding new ones to the mix.
I’m looking forward to playing more. I’m confident that the next game will go smoother.