Ito Koburai is the last of my Adepticon Bushido purchases.
The studio model has sweet freehanded snake tattoos. I made due with some green blobs.
Along with the Ito starter box, I picked up a couple of blisters to round out a force. I don’t really know what models work together, but at least I got more snakes.
I already had green and yellow snakes in the starter. So this one is teal.
I picked up some Bushido a couple of years ago at Adepticon, and got as far as painting it. But that was when I was less aggressive about actually finding table time for the many side games that interest me. So this year I decided to give it another go.
There’s a (now several year old) new edition called Risen Sun, and there are new faction starters to go with it. So I decided to boost what I already started, Clan Ito, the snake people.
They’re still metal models, and largely one-piece or just a few models.
Facing is very important for Bushido, so I marked the models. Unlike last time, I added a faction color for the front marker. This both helps to distinguish it, and gives a little bit of faction flare.
The two-player starter has all mercenary models, along with a small rulebook and token sheet. But they had sold through them all before I got to it. At first I was annoyed, especially due to the tokens. But the card stock they chose for the tokens is very thin, so I’d probably want to replace them anyways.
Kyou is my favorite sculpt of the set. The coiled snake just works for me. I ended up bending the head a little to get them to look in the same direction. But that’s easy to do with metal.
Gaslands has always caught my eye. Post-apoc weird cards crashing together, what’s not to love?
So a picked out a five-pack of cars from Target and piled a table high with bits. What would come out other end?
I tried to strip most of the original paint from the cars using a wire wheel on a Dremel. I didn’t take out the plastic, so some places got marred.
By far the most common bit was extra bits from 15mm tank kits, either extra bits from Team Yankee or some Flames of War sprues I picked up as swag over the years.
But there are some others, like this missile pod, which came from a Reaper CAV kit.
Or sliced up random pieces of plastic, like the slats and door armor on Slats here.
I also got a North Star Implements of Carnage sprue, which gave some more specific bigs, like this gunner.
Wrex is by far the most highly converted piece. The cab is all that’s left of the original car. The treads and turret came from different 15mm tanks, while the arm came from the Implements of Carnage sprue. And then some green stuff tentacle cabling and assorted random bits to bring it all together.