Underworlds: Storm of Celestus

I found the two-player Underworlds starter on the clearance shelf at the local hobby shop. I couldn’t say no.

Aphus the Brave

Of course it includes some Stormcast. But shockingly enough, it’s not a three-model warband. This one has four!


Like my other Stormcast Underworlds warbands, I used Turbo Dork color shift paint for the armor. This way I can (in theory, at least) put them all together in a Warcry game or something and have them fit in.

Mellisan Star-sighted

The color shift is pretty subtle once dullcoted, but it’s still in there somewhere.

Drakan Celestus
Storm of Celestus

Underworlds: Crimson Court

It’s time for some more hobby popcorn in the form of Underworlds.

Price Duvalle

This group of vampire will happily come and relieve you of your excess blood.

Gorath the Enforcer

Their skin turned out more blue than I think I intended, but I’m still on board.

Ennias Curse-born

Ennias is my favorite of the group.

Vellas von Faine

That hair must take undying ages to get ready for battle.

Crimson Court

Burrows and Badgers: Townsfolk

This collection of townsfolk is the last of the Burrows and Badgers Kickstarter I participated in.

This whole collection was a ton of fun to paint. Each model has a lot of character, and a nice range of poses for single piece models. Hopefully I can actually get a game in sometime.


Hobby, games, and other amusements