Random Rursday: Sinessa, Hellborn Sorceress

On Thursdays, I like to take a break from my army projects.  Instead, I try to do something that I can start and complete all in one evening.

This week I actually found time to work on something different.  This time, it’s Sinessa, Hellborn Sorceress, another from the Reaper Bones Kickstarter.

As is common for Bones, the spear is fairly floppy.  I did my usual boiling water/ice bath trick, which straightened it fairly well, but it still was hard to work with while painting.

Sinessa, Hellborn Sorceress

Updated December 2017 with improved images.

Ghosts of Random Rursdays Past: Stefan Von Kruger

On Thursdays, I like to take a break from my army projects.  Instead, I try to do something that I can start and complete all in one evening.

I haven’t gotten a lot of hobby time in this week.  When I did get a chance on Thursday, I decided to spend it continuing on the Malifaux crew I started for the Wyrd summer painting contest.  When I’m done, maybe I’ll actually try playing the game.

So here’s a model I painted about 18 months ago, Stefan Von Kruger from Reaper.  I actually bought this model probably close to 15 years ago for D&D, but wasn’t into painting back then.

Stefan von Kruger

I don’t think the cloak works very well, at least not with this model.  Maybe something dark would work.  The tunic also doesn’t show as much depth as I’d like.  Oh well, there’s always next time.

Updated November 2017 with improved images.

Ultramarines: Sniper Scouts

More Ultramarines, hot on the heels of the tanks.  This time I’ve done a set of the plastic sniper scouts, which I got as part of the strike force.

Sniper Scout (no cloak)

Scouts have small shoulder pads, and I didn’t have the small-U decals.  I did have some from the old space marine bike set that had a the U in a circle, so I just trimmed off the circle.  I think it works pretty well.

Sniper Scout (gun up)

I decided to use the pointing hand on the sergeant, since just about everybody puts on the other hand.  I should have put the scope back on his rifle, though.

I was pleased to see that it had parts to either do the missile launcher guy or another sniper — including the torso and head.  All you need to do to field both is to find some legs and a base.  As luck would have it, I have some scout legs in my bits box.

Scout (missile launcher)

I somehow missed that the crouching guy had his own torso, complete with cloak that goes around the leg.  I noticed after basecoating, and was able to correct it without any real problems.

Updated September 2018 with improved images.

Ghosts of Random Rursdays Past: Ape with Stone Sword

On Thursdays, I like to take a break from my army projects.  Instead, I try to do something that I can start and complete all in one evening.

I’ve decided to participate in Wyrd’s summer painting contest, as an excuse to pick up some Malifaux models.  One of the contest rules is no posting about it before the contest ends, so I’ll post about an old model instead.

I painted this guy at a paint’n’take event at Kublacon in 2012.  This was with the paints and brushes provided by the event, which were not quite up to my normal standards.  It was a lot of fun to work within the constraints though (which paint bottle isn’t completely dried?  where can I find/make a highlight color?  are there any brushes with any kind of point?).  It was also the first time I did a model entirely in one sitting, which eventually lead to Random Rursdays.

Ape with Stone Sword

I don’t know who made this model, although I think he’s pretty cool.  I’m happy with the skin, fur, and sword.  I’m less happy with the base (it’s kind of a goofy color), loincloth, and necklace.

Updated December 2017 with improved images.

Hobby, games, and other amusements