Ultramarines: Assault Terminators Rebased

I bought these metal assault terminators back in the days of yore, and painted them up a couple years ago, when I got back into 40k.  At the time I left them on the 25mm bases they came with, but always felt a little dirty using them.  The time had come to make the move to 40mm, like modern terminators.

I was worried about them looking small on the new bases, so I decided to go for some Secret Weapon urban bases, like I used on the Deathwatch squad.

New 40mm bases
New 40mm bases

I decided to play with some weathering powders.  I was planning on putting some of the static grass and flock I use for most of the army, to bring it together, so put in some browns in a few places to represent dirt coming through the cracked asphalt.  I also tried putting some red around some of the bricks, to try to represent some bricks getting crushed and spread out, though I don’t think it really worked too well.

Assault Terminators

I snapped off the old bases and cut off the metal tab with a razor saw.  The feet needed a little touching up with black paint from where I cut. I found a spot on each base where the feet would be flat, and pinned them in.

Assault Terminatorsf

All in all I think they fill the base out pretty nicely, especially the lightning claws. Here you can see the static grass which hopefully ties it into the rest of the army.

Someday I might rebase everybody, but for now I’m telling myself that they’re tied in closely enough.

Updated September 2018 with improved images.

Reaper: Griffon

I’ve slowed down on the Random Rursday thing.  I found it had become something of a chore, and I stopped getting Thursday nights as reliable hobby nights.  I also found I wasn’t really giving enough time for paint to dry between stages.

I’m still painting some random miniatures between other projects, just without a specific schedule.

The Griffon is a Reaper Bones model.  I like the textures in the fur and in the feathers.  The base even is a bit more interesting than most of the Reaper models, with some stones sculpted in.


I regret not doing a bit more variation in the front section, especially on the wings.  This is a big enough model that it looks kind of sparse.  On the other hand, I’m not sure I wanted to spend much more time on this model.

I put some flock and static grass on the base, because I wasn’t very happy with how my painting of the grassy parts turned out.

Updated February 2018 with improved images.

Ultramarines: Techmarine

I think this model qualifies as my longest-running work-in-progress.  It’s a leftover from my 2nd/3rd edition days, although it sat as bare, so wasn’t really in progress.  In May 2012, I played in  a “de-escalation” event at KublaCon.  After each game, there was a chance that any models killed would stay dead for the next game.  There was a bonus to vehicle rolls if you brought a Techmarine or equivalent.  I wasn’t as strict about only playing with painted models then, but I gave this guy a quick red spray with the airbrush so at least it wasn’t completely bare.  And there he sat, unloved, for two and a half years.

Part of my backlog is anything with paint, so I needed to get this guy done. I decided to do most of the detail work (wires and stuff) in blue, to try to tie it into the rest of the army a bit.


The model has a power axe, so WYSIWIG demands I take it on my list.  It’s kind of a silly upgrade though — he already has a servo arm, which is S8 AP1 Unwieldy.  For 15 points, he has can use the axe instead, which is S5 AP2 Unwieldy, but grants an extra attack, since it isn’t a Specialist Weapon.  That’s a lot of points for very little utility.

I can’t bring myself to change the model, though.  Maybe I could call it a lightning claw.  That would give the option of Shredding at S4/AP3, plus give an extra attack with either the servo arm or lightning claw, since they’re both specialist weapons.

I try to shoehorn any newly completed model into my next game, so I took this model in my campaign game last weekend.  He pulled his own.  I gave him an Auspex and put him in a drop pod with Sicarius and half a tactical squad.  He ended up mostly being a cover granting/denying dude.  He bolstered a ruin which contained snipers and a missile launcher combat squad, and used his auspex to remove the cover from a pile of cultists.

His unit ended up charging an inquisitor and his retinue, which included a servitor.  I was very sad that a random marine took out the servitor before the techmarine could disassemble him.

I think I’m going to turn my attention to a few Reaper models I’ve had primed for a while before coming back to the few remaining marines.

Updated July 2018 with improved images.

Ultramarines: Cato Sicarius

I picked up this Sicarius model as part of a store closing sale almost a year ago.  It’s the last of the Ultramarines HQs in my collection.  I decided to do him up in 5th company colors, to fit in with the rest of my Ultramarines.

Cato Sicarius

This is the Finecast version, and I expect it to be the last fully Finecast model I do.  The gold detailing on the breastplate sheered off from the main body in places.  I didn’t do too much to fix it — let’s call it battle damage.

The sunburst pattern under the skull on the shoulder pad turned out a little weird.  Maybe keeping it all gold or all silver would have been a better choice.

Backlog keeps on shrinking.  Next up is a Techmarine that’s been sitting unloved for far too long.

Updated July 2018 with improved images.

Hobby, games, and other amusements