Eldar: Wave Serpent

Naturally, the Guardians needed something to ride around in.  I painted this model months ago, but haven’t had the chance to show it off much.

Wave Serpent (right)
Wave Serpent (right)

It doesn’t totally come across in the pictures, but I think the shading I did with the airbrush worked pretty well on this model.  It’s subtle, but it helps to keep the model from looking too flat.

Wave Serpent (front)
Wave Serpent (front)

The weapons are, as usual, magnetized.  The shuriken cannon/catapult was kind of a pain, since it’s designed to pop onto a pivot point, the magnet needs to be on the inside of the U.  I ended up cutting it with a razorsaw, putting in the magnet, and gluing it back together.  The seam is behind and under, so I didn’t worry too much about the seam being a little visible.

Wave Serpent (rear)
Wave Serpent (rear)

While priming and airbrushing I just attached the top hull with blue tack.  This let me do the shading with the natural shadows of the model, but still easily get to the engines without spoiling the orange.

Wave Serpent (left)
Wave Serpent (left)

Malifaux: Terror Tots

My Jakob Lynch crew has a decided lack of cheap models — the only model less than 7 stones is Mr Tannen, and he’s kind of a specialty piece.  These Terror Tots give me more options.

Terror Tot (wolverine)
Terror Tot (wolverine)

I went for a base color of Reaper’s Imperial Purple, a highlight of Amethyst purple, and wash of Secret Weapon Amethyst.  The armbands are the Midnight Blue, Twilight Blue, and Snow Shadow triad, which I’ve been using across the Neverborn.  The hooves, loincloth, horns, and teeth are all variations on Bone Shadow/Aged Bone/Bone Highlight, washed with SW Sepia Brown.

Terror Tot (punch daggers)
Terror Tot (punch daggers)

Looking at the pictures, the eyes don’t pop nearly enough.  I’ll probably go back and try to bring them out a bit more.  I like the highlighting I’ve got on the hooves, face, and armbands, though.

Terror Tot (arm blade)
Terror Tot (arm blade)

I think these demon babies will make a nice addition to my crew.

Updated October 2016 with improved images.

Dark Eldar: Grisly Trophies

Back in January, I realized I wanted to put Grisly Trophies on some of my Dark Eldar skimmers.  The game was an Apoc game which required vehicle upgrades to be modeled.  These poles come in the kit, and I hadn’t been using them.

Grisly Trophies

To make it easy to move around, a glued a thin magnet in the vehicle and painted it to blend it in a bit.  I drilled out the base of the poles and put in a matching magnet.

I tried out the Citadel Technical Blood for the Blood God paint on these guys, which I think looks neat.  Don’t ask me why these clearly dried skulls have fresh blood dripping from them.  Maybe the Archon decorates them before going out to battle.

Updated July 2019 with improved images

Hobby, games, and other amusements