Malifaux: Barbaros

The Terror Tot’s big brother is ready to trim your hedges.  I like the lunging pose on this guy, although I haven’t tried to fit him into foam yet.


I decided that the bigger nephilim should be a paler color than the terror tots, so I started with the highlight on the tots (Amethyst Purple) as a base, and highlighted with a mix of the base and Grel Flesh (the Reaper website makes it look like it would be the perfect highlight, but it’s a bit greyer in person).  I still washed with Secret Weapon’s Amethyst.

I tried washing the metals with a dark blue to try to tie back to the purple/blue scheme, but it didn’t really show up.  So I went back to one of my standbys, Armor Wash.

The wings are the blue triad I’ve been using across my Neverborn, but with the Amethyst Secret Weapon wash to tie it together a bit.  I meant to try do some blending at the base of the wings, but I guess I forgot.

The hair is Blue Liner, which is this neat black/grey/blue color, depending on how thin it is.  I thinned it a bit to let it leave the high points with a bit more primer shining through, which gave a nice natural highlight.  I did a light drybrush of Blue Liner mixed with white to bring it out a bit more.

Updated October 2016 with improved images.

Ultramarines: Marneus Calgar

I bought this model way back when it was originally released in 1995 or so.  I finally painted it up February in preparation for a fixed-list event.  The event called for a Chapter Master in Terminator armour, and this was the closest model I had. I really love this era of metal models.  There’s a lot of great detail.

Marneus Calgar

I like this version better than the newer Terminator Calgar, although in game terms I wish I could Deep Strike him along with some assault termies.

I did one minor conversion on this model.  I snipped off the banner pole, and put the banner top right on the backpack.  All characters/sergeants from this era had banners, though this has fallen out of fashion.

Updated July 2018 with improved images.

Dark Eldar: Scourges

I painted these Scourges in May, before the new Dark Eldar codex was released.  I wasn’t sure how much I’d use them (and they didn’t too well in the one Kill Team game I took them to….), but they sure are nice looking models.


I magnetize the shoulder joints of all my Dark Eldar infantry.  This lets me swap out equipment without trying to figure out who the special weapons guy is.  It also lets me have an armory of blasters, heat lances, splinter rifles, dark lances, and whatever else, ready to go on whichever unit.  The weapons in the pictures were just thrown on randomly.


The legs on these guys really sell the whole flying around concept.


I like how the fluids in the vials on the backs came out.  I was pretty worried about them, but I think it works pretty well.  These particular arms, though, aren’t quite so nice.


The huge wings makes transporting these guys a pain.  For the next unit, I may try to put magnets on the wings, although then I worry that they flop around the table.


Updated July 2019 with improved images

Malifaux: Johana

After getting badly badly poisoned by McMourning a few weeks ago, I decided I needed some condition removal, in the form of the limited edition Johana.


I originally tried to use a different blue on her shirt, centered on Marine Teal., but I didn’t like how it looked.  I painted back over with the blues I’ve been using, centered on Twilight Blue.  It ended up as an interesting intermediate shade. Some of the highlighting a bit loud up close, but it works well on the tabletop.

Johana (detail)
Johana (detail)

This model is also my entry in December’s #MFXTOP painting competition.

Updated October 2016 with improved images.

Hobby, games, and other amusements