I got this hill from Broken Egg at Adepticon. It’s a mostly flat piece of resin of the same flavor as the flat puddles I got a couple of years ago.
Flat Hill (top)
I like these pieces because they add a lot of texture to a table while allowing models to stand on them. They’re prettier than neoprene, but easier to use than more dimensional pieces.
I’ve been meaning to experiment with foam insulation sheets for terrain for a long time. I finally decided to give it a go, with rocky chunks for Lunar and Rangers of Shadow Deep as the focus.
These blocks are intended to plausibly exist either as lunar rock formations (possibly including placement by astronauts) or as barren rocky ground. I cut a bunch of blocks of foam with a hot wire cutter, then trimmed them to vaguely rocky shapes.
These are similar, but with an earthy vegetation base, clearly don’t belong on the moon. I think all the rocks are a success, although they may not be masterful.
This barrow hill I consider a failure. Though I’m not tossing it just yet. I started doing the brickwork texture by just pressing with a pen, but that lead to tearing. For the rest I cut it with a hobby knife then opened up the gap with a pen, which worked much better. The hill part isn’t very smoothly cut either. By the time I got to paint and surface texture I knew it was a loser, so didn’t spend much time on it. I’ll have to give it another go and try to refine the shape more.
My Rangers of Shadow Deep vision is to made some small thing for each game, and over time build up a library of terrain, markers, and models. Of course, that theory led to over a year between games, since I tend to get hobby sidetracked. But here we are.
Web Cocoon markers
This was inspired by a half-remembered YouTube video I’m not finding again. The cocoons are made with Crayola Model Magic, which air-dries into a lightweight form. On top of that is stretched web material like you’d put on your house for Halloween. The bases are made with white glue, sand, and toilet paper.
The bases are definitely the weak part I did not like any aspect of working with it. If I did this project again, I’d probably just use wooden circles or something, with sand or other basing materials I use for models.
But I can’t be too precious with these. The goal is to get it done so I can play the game. And done they are.