Category Archives: Terrain

A table of my very own

I’ve been thinking about putting a table together for garage gaming for a long time.  There are times when it’s hard for me to get out of the house, but I could host somebody pretty easily.  Finally, I broke down and built a 3×3 board, ordered a Mat by Mars and some terrain to go on it.

I saw the Tri-City Laser Old West buildings at Adepticon last year, and thought they looked really nice.  The etched texture seemed to take drybrushing nicely.  There are also a couple of add-on kits that let you add a bit of variety.  I really like it.  I do have one complaint: the tape they use to hold the pieces of the kit together leaves a bit of a mark in the wood, which shows up when drybrushed.

I also picked up a couple of 4Ground kits for a little more variety.  I figure the under construction building can work in theme with the rest of the town, but soft cover without breaking line of sight.  The crates and wagon work as scatter terrain.  The 4Ground stuff seems to a bit smaller scale than Malifaux, but it still works okay.

Rapeepzel diorama

For some reason, this year my family decided to do a Peeps diorama contest, inspired by the Washington Post’s competition.

My wife was totally into it, so we submitted the following.

Rapeepzel excitedly awaits Prince Peepsalot’s visit (of the East Peepshire Peepsalots) while the evil Purple Dame Peepthel angrily plots his sticky demise.


My main contribution was the name, the tower (except for gluing on shingles and the vines), and consultation on the trees.  The tower was built as a variant on what I did at Adepticon stuck to half of a Pringles can.

We had gone for a semi-realistic vibe, although once you put brightly colored Peeps in there, realism kind of goes out the window.