Category Archives: Terrain

Terrain: Scatter (Tardis, altar, pillar, treasure tokens)

In the past few months I’ve picked up some random scatter terrain from the Reaper Bones line. These make for great affordable little pieces. The plastic really lends itself to the blocky shapes.

It started with the Tardis / police box. I figure a Tardis could belong in just about any setting across time and space. Next came the Cthulhu pillar, as a compliment for my Dust monsters, though again it can fit it just about anywhere. Finally, I grabbed the altar as dungeon dressing for Relicblade.

Treasure Tokens
Treasure Tokens

Speak of Relicblade, I also got these as treasure tokens. I have no idea who made them. It came in an unmarked blister package with a SKU written in sharpie on a postit. The receipt from the shop claimed it was from Deep Wars, but I’m pretty sure that’s a lie. In any case, they’re resin, and the casting is a bit sloppy but it works well enough as a marker.

Dust: Lilith’s Coven Mythos starter (Lilith, Mi-Go, and Cultists)

Big monsters are nice and all, but you need some little guys, too. Fortunately, the Lilith’s Coven starter box is all that. Dust’s starter boxes are a nice value. For $65 you get three units, a neoprene mat (2’x3′, so half a standard Dust game), dice, and some terrain (cardboard and plastic). The only problem with it is if you want a second copy of one of the units, it’s harder to find the value.

Lilith is the hero in the box. She comes in two models, because she switches to a different profile once she’s been wounded.

Cultist leader

The cultists are next. I first tried to paint them with a different scheme than the studio models, with deep green robes. Partway through I decided I hated it and started again. I’m quite pleased now with how the robes came out, with just a hint of red in with the black, giving it some depth.


The Mi-Go are the last unit in the box. Like everything else it comes pre-assembled, which makes it difficult to paint the inside of the one with closed wings.

Finally, the plastic terrain. It’s simple, but a nice bonus. The crate came pre-colored, so I just weathered it up a bit. 

2017 Hobby Year in Review

Once again it’s time for a reflection on a year of hobby.


I started the year with a deadline looming. A Team Yankee campaign was getting started. I had just acquired enough models to fill out an army and only had about five weeks to get it table ready. I also had Dropzone Commander and Arena Rex backburnered.

Continue reading 2017 Hobby Year in Review

Terrain: Water Tower

My personal terrain collection hasn’t seen as much use as I thought it would, but I still want to slowly grow it. I set aside a little money at Adepticon to find something that fits thematically but isn’t just another western building. This water tower from Laser Craft Workshop fit the bill.

Water Tower
Water Tower

The balcony on top is the perfect size for a 25 or 30mm based model to sit and snipe from.

The kit suffers from the same problems as all laser cut. Curves as non-right angles don’t quite work. I considered filling the gaps with some kind of putty, but got lazy. Otherwise it’s a pretty straightforward, nicely produced, and nicely prices product.