Scheduled for release at Adepticon this year, the Gilblin Fishers come in pairs (both as models, and as. But Metal King, stretching their evil genius muscles, offered them at a discount in a six-pack. And why buy two when you can buy six?
I quickly painted up the first pair, but the rest had to wait their turn.
They are single piece metal models, which means you’d need to be creative to repose them for more variety. I wasn’t feeling that creative, so just went with different colors.
The main body color are continued experimentation with GW contrast paints. At some point I should stop calling it experimentation and just admit they’re a regular tool in my hobby toolbox.
These models remain super fun, with friendly teeth and tongue, big happy and/or terrified eyes. Who wouldn’t want to be their friend?
These alts, slated for release at the Adepticon that wasn’t, were so popular they sold out within hours. Fortunately they were reprinted for slowpokes like me.
Lone Guard Infiltrator
They also act as previews for the currently running Storms of Kural Kickstarter. The project is for a new two-player starter set, featuring two four model warbands, each model representing a different faction. The stat cards were released in the second edition rulebook, but these are the first models available.
Iguan Marauder
The starter set is all single piece models, to be more accessible to people unfamiliar with metal models. These alt poses wouldn’t work in a single piece, but they aren’t exactly complex (torso and arms). I like slight posability, plus it would be easier to do simple conversions.
Warden of Justice
As a bonus, have a cat. You can never have too many cats in Relicblade.
These little fishies are the latest release for Relicblade. They form a new unit type, the Team. They must be hired in pairs, activate in pairs, and even share upgrades as a pair.
Gilblin Fisher (weapon down)
I liked the yellow on some of the studio models, but of course had to do something to be special. I decided mine would be striped.
Gilblin Fisher (weapon up)
These models have this awesome manic energy. The big expressive eyes were just begging to join in the fun. Now they’re ready to charge across the battlefield and trip their enemies.
The Iguan Assassin is a solo character themed to go with the Wretched Hive. He’s also the final model I needed to have the entire Relicblade line painted.
Iguan Assassin
He also gets a different red skin. The purple shoulder piece and bracer match the purple on my Mangrove Basilisk, as the Iguans would surely use Basilisk hide to produce armor (they’re Armor 3 after all!)
I’m looking forward to the next Relicblade Kickstarter, so I’ll have more models to paint. Not that I have any particular shortage from other vendors.