I already had painted up Vintage McMourning to use as a second master in crews. I figured I might as well get the full crew going. I like the vintage sculpt better, so kept the M3E version on sprue for bits or whatever.
The M3E sculpts certainly fill out the 40mm bases. Sebastian here is even more of a hunchback than usual.
Flesh Construct (drooling)
Flesh Construct (hugging)
Flesh Construct (spewing)
The Flesh Constructs are no longer Frankenstein type zombies. They’ve got much more of a Sloth-from-Goonies look to them.
Zombie Chihuahua
Compared to the big guys, the Zombie Chihuahua is tiny. But at least he has some snacks.
This marks the first time I’m painting the Emissary and Effigy at the same time. Since in third edition, the Effigy can grow into the Emissary, it seemed to make sense to paint them with similar colors.
Carrion Effigy
I tried a splatter effect to dirty up these models — Resurrectionists are supposed to be dirty. It works okay on the Emissary, but the scale doesn’t feel right on the Effigy.
Carrion Emissary
As much as I like the Carrion Emissary as a model, I just don’t like it as a game piece. It’s too bit to easily transport. At least the wings are high above the base, so smaller models can fit under it.
The Draugr can’t be all alone. He needs some Revenant friends.
Lampad (arms down)
The lampads are a pretty annoying kit. Lots of flame bits, which can be very hard to see how they line up.
Lampad (arms out)
I painted it simply, with ash grey skin and GW Hexwraith Flame for the flames. The translucent green makes for easy blends for some quick and dirty OSL.