I played in a Treacherous Ties event at Games of Berkeley recently, where you pick a small crew lead by an out-of-faction Henchman. I wanted to bring Old Cranky, but didn’t have the model, so I lived without it. When I managed to win the event, I knew fate was telling me to pick up Old Cranky with the prize money.
Naturally, I haven’t played another game with Gremlins since. But I haven’t played against Gremlins and Old Cranky, and boy is he a beast. A lot of buffs in a small-stone package.
I haven’t been excited enough about Bayou Gators to buy a box. But I’ve got a well-documented obsession with limited editions, so when this became available through a LGS promo I had no choice.
Wyrd’s plastics have gotten a lot better at not having a crapton of tiny pieces, but they still aren’t great at placing seam lines. Right in the middle of the nicely textured skin makes it hard to clean up.
The package came with two head variants – one enjoying a snack, and one boring one. You can guess which I selected.
I’m a little disappointed in this box. It’s got all the models to max out the Rarity for both Stuffed Piglets and Gremlin Taxidermist, which is kind of nice. The two Taxidermists have distinct sculpts (although they’re very similar). I’m much more likely to have a ton of Stuffed Piglets, though, and there are only three sculpts. If I’m going to have to buy all six, I’d like to get unique ones.
Well, I bought anyways, and solved it with paint. I was feeling a little less creative than with regularPiglets, so I kept it simple. Since they’re supposed to be Undead, I gave one set a green zombie skin tone.
The others I used a standard pink flesh. I think the sculpts should be distinct enough to refer to them when needed.
The supervisors have awesome hair. It seems like these guys ought to be a little older and wiser than most Gremlins, having gone through six years of taxidermy school and everything. So I gave them wisened gray hair.
I needed a filler for my Wyrd Gencon order to push me over the $100 bonus model level. Why not give one more option for my growing Tara crew?
I don’t quite know what’s going on with those tiny fairy wings, other than giving the model a somewhat distinctive silhouette. Unlike the Nothing Beast, the extra arms on the Scion of the Void are a little hard to see.
I haven’t had a chance to play with this model yet, but maybe it will fill the mid point gap I noticed in my last Tara game.