Category Archives: Malifaux

Malifaux: Beast Within and Vogel

I’m very slowly growing my Arcanists collection, although it may be a bit haphazard. Today’s contribution is Vogel and the Beast Within.

Ferdinand Vogel
Ferdinand Vogel

One of the interesting aspects of these models is that they represent different manifestations of the same character. In theory, it’s the same outfit between the two.

The Beast Within
The Beast Within

Like all too many large Malifaux models, there was a nasty seam both around the head and around the hinge of the jaw. I managed to clean up the worst of it, but there are still some pretty visible seams in the cuffs, shoulders, and wrists.

I have vague ideals of playing both Marcus and Lucius, both of which have some interesting possibilities using Vogel/the Beast. With the M3E annoucement, it’s hard to know what is still a good idea. On the plus side, I’ve got plenty of other hobby projects to keep me busy.

Malifaux: Ross Jebson (alt Slop Hauler)

Ross Jebson was one of this year’s Easter models from Wyrd. He’s an alt Slop Hauler, and may remind you of somebody. I’ve been watching Bob Ross videos with the kids, so I’m primed and ready to go. Of course, I had to have a happy tree, and a cabin. I didn’t exactly follow the prescribed technique, but I can do anything I want, so nice, so nice.

Ross Jebson (alt Slop Hauler)
Ross Jebson (alt Slop Hauler)

This was the first metal model out of Wyrd for a while. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about it, though if it lets them do more small run models it’s worth it. Metal also lets you get away with some finer pieces, like the easel.

Malifaux: Serena Bowman

It’s practically time for book 6 for Malifaux, so I guess I should get started on book 5.

Serena Bowman
Serena Bowman

I don’t think I sold the scars very well on her arms and torso. Or the skin tone in general. At least her dress looks nice.

I’ve played a few games with her. So far I’ve gotten so fixated on her healing and passing out Black Blood that I don’t get far enough forward to even try out the self-summoning.