Miss Ery is the Wyrd Gencon bonus model for this year. It goes together pretty easily, and is a fairly nice model. There are some weird lines on the torso, which I think is from milling out the mold at not-quite-high-enough resolution. Hard to argue with the price, though.
I played with putting some of GW’s “technical” Blood for the Blood God” paint here. I started applying it before Dullcoting, which I realized was silly (part of makes it work is the wet/glossy texture). I just went over most of it again after applying the varnish.
I decided to go for metal for stitching as well as the claws. I thought it would make her look more menacing.
I’m still not quite sure what the tuft on the top patch is supposed to be. It doesn’t look like leaking stuffing, or anything else for that matter.
The Beckoners are the second set of models I wanted to get done before Celesticon.
I decided to switch the skin tones from the official art for these models, just to be different. This turns out to have been a mistake. During the game, I had to be really careful I was marking the right stat card.
I’m pretty happy with this model, although it was a pain to pin the tiny feet to the base. A bit of CA glue on the cane added another contact point.
I think these eyes turned out pretty well, although the skin is somewhat uneven.
The garter straps on this model didn’t turn out very well, although I’m not quite sure why. Maybe it’s just too many colors (the dark blue boots, ret corset, purple stockings, and dark purple bottom) to look good together.
These eyes didn’t turn out nearly as neatly as the leaning Beckoner, but it still looks pretty good from two feet away.
I wanted to round out the Jakob Lynch crew I started for the painting contest in time for the Celesticon causual play Malifaux event on Friday night. My Gencon Wyrd order came last Tuesday, which gave me three days assemble, prime, and paint.
First up is Mr. Tannen.
Tannen’s jacket is the same blue as Lynch. I like that they fit together, although it might be a bit too much. Mr. Graves will definitely get a different color.
I was surprised when I opened the package to see two options for the arm behind his back: one with a knife and one with a card. Since I’ve only ever seen the knife, I decided to go with the card.
I knew from the Wyrd forums that the Crossroads book lists an incorrect cost (5 soulstones) for Mr. Tannen. The card included in the box had the correct one (6), but the card in the wave 2 arsenal deck is wrong (5).
I’ve been eyeing Malifaux for a while. The models are cool and different from the 40k stuff I’ve been spending so much time with. The rules seem interesting, too, although I’ve only played one demo game.
When Wyrd announced a summer painting contest, I decided that would give me an excuse to pick up a crew and paint it up. I went with the Dark Debts set, lead by Jakob Lynch. It seems like a well-supported crew in plastic, and I’m intrigued by the hand manipulation rules he has.
Here’s the full crew. I like that the three Illuminated are very distinct models, although it does mean that repeats will stand out.
Jakob was my entry into the painting contest. His coat and pants match the blue that I’m using for the Brilliance energy stuff throughout the rest of the crew. The purple will probably tie into other Neverborn models, if I end up doing more.
This model doesn’t seem to get a lot of love on the internet, but I think he’s kind of cool. He did have nasty seam lines though, right down the middle. Some green stuff hid the worst of it, but I didn’t get the inside of his mouth.
I put some Secret Weapon Realistic Water in the opening of his esophagus and coating his teeth, and then hit the rest of the mouth and eyes with Future. It’s fairly subtle, and doesn’t really come through in the picture, but I figure such a big mouth ought to look wet.
I wanted to bring some of the purple in, and picked a few places to put it on. I think I went too heavy on it on this model though.
I’m pretty happy with this guy. The festering Brilliance infection on his shoulder is done with a big of the blue in the middle, then covering a slightly larger area with purple wash. I think it makes a nice transition.
I hit the monster guy with some purple, but with a softer touch than Hungering Darkness. I like it a lot better here.
This picture probably shows the basing the best. I cut out a circle of balsa wood about the same size as the inset area of the base. I then cut it into strips along the grain of the wood, and then shorter planks on every other strip. I sanded down each a bit to clean up the edges (although a bit too much on some of the models), and glued them down in place. Once the glue was dry, I pressed into the ends of each plank with a small embossing tool, to simulate nails being hammered in.
I’m really happy with how these look (at least the ones without huge gaps), although it remains to be seen how well they’ll take the abuse of being gaming models. Balsa’s pretty soft, and I’m worried that it might get banged up easily.
I’m happy with this Illuminated’s dress, although less so with the drooping jaws. There’s no transition between the flesh and the blue, so it’s just like oversized sideburns or something. I should have done the tops of the jaws with flesh, then with purple wash, like the shoulder infection on the first guy.
The kit comes with an alternate upper body of this model, so I may try to find a set of legs from something to make another.
All in all, a very fun side project. I only play with painted models, so now, when I find some time, I can actually play a game.