Ulix and Old Major give a bunch of pig control, but they’re also big targets, and may not always fit into every list. Enter the Whisperer.

Only one contact point, which is easy enough to get level. Time will tell as to how well it holds up to being manhandled during gaming and transport.

As a bonus, the box comes with a unique Piglet sculpt. I had a blue mohawk for a few months in college, so I couldn’t resist giving this little guy one. The giant seam lines on the underside show up more in the completed model than I thought it would. I wish I had spent the effort to fill it. Alternately, you could paint on some stitches and call it a stuffed Piglet.

With all the Piglets potentially in play, they need to be easily distinguishable. When I painted the original set, I thought the poses would be enough. As it turns out, the two standing ones look too much alike. So I refurbished one. The blood either comes from a well-placed Pigcharge, or perhaps he was just Birthed.

I now have seven Piglets to choose from, which ought to be enough. I’m pretty happy with how distinctive they all look.