I’m not sure how excited I am about playing with the Banjonistas, but I compulsively bought them for the Alt Swinecursed, so figured I might as well toss some paint on ’em and see what happens.
Banjonista (white hat)
As models I think they’re quite fun. In retrospect, it might have been a good idea to convert some of the banjos into shotguns and use as extra Bayou Gremlins.
Banjonista (dancing)
Still, crew mobility is always good. When I play Somer, I tend to get an awful lot of gremlins killed. Some extra card draw is a nice bonus.
I already painted up the alt version of this model. Sean, a fellow Gremlin player, had already bought the regular box and generously offered to split it with me so we would each have two.
The hair color may not exactly be natural, but hey, it’s magical. And it contrasts nicely with his friend. At least this time I remember to get the arm hair.
The alt for the Swinecursed is what really pushed me into picking up the Wong box. I am a sucker for alternates and limiteds, and the Swinecursed’s built in Magical gives it some immediate synergy.
Alt Swinecursed
I decided to go bold for hair color. Wong’s magic seems like a colorful kind of magic, as opposed to the more naturalistic Zoraida. I only realized after it was too late that the texture on the forearms is supposed to be more hair. Oh well.
It’s been a while since I’ve added a new Master to my Gremlins collection. Blasting looks like fun, plus I found the box cheap at a minis flea market. Wong it is!
First up, Wong himself. I’m pretty disappointed that Wyrd didn’t resculpt the Wong model from the original plastic. Not that there’s anything wrong with the existing one, it just seemed like a missed opportunity.
Lovely Assistant
The grimace on the Lovely Assistant tells me she may not actually be having very much fun. Tiny feet made basing interesting, but I suspect she won’t actually see much table time.
Mancha Roja
Now Mancha is having fun. I had intended for his costume to be orange, although it came out a bit red. Still, it has some blending I’m fairly happy with.
Lightning Bug (cotton candy)
Lightning Bug (bouncing)
Lightning Bug (backshot)
I went with blues for the fireballs to call back to Wong’s robes, and different reds and purples for their own outfits. They fit together, but are all a little distinct.
The poses are quite impractical, however. I’m pretty sure Cotton Candy on the left is the only one that will withstand the abuse of being on the table.