There are a handful of limited alternate sculpts in Carnevale. The Rashaar seem to get the bulk of them. This hammerhead karcharos is one of them.
I dig the deep scarring. I tried to make the wounds look fresh.
Black Site ran these alternate Seths as an Adepticon show special. I think this might be the first model I’ve had which, in the game fiction, has actually attended a con with me.
Seth is one of the heroes from the core Don’t Look Back box. He seems to be something of a mascot for the studio.
I’m not sure I like the implications of the villain being the guy who went overboard in the dealer hall…
I’ve had this model sitting in the pile for a while. I even painted up a bunch of Reva’s in-keyword models. It’s time.
This alternate sculpt for Reva is much more dynamic than the regular one. It also has the fire, which is a nice way to tie the collection together.
Wyrd traditionally releases a limited edition gender-swapped ‘Miss’ model at Gencon. Usually this takes a male character and reimagines it as a female with a clever name like Miss Deed or Miss Feasance. For 2018, they went the opposite way and made this male Shikome. Since I painted up Kirai, it’s finally time to put him together.
I quite like the giant wings, though I wish they rested a bit more evenly on the base (or maybe I didn’t quite align them correctly).